One of the household appliances that consumes the most energy is the air conditioning. Not only because we have it on for a large part of the day, but because its operation involves a strong consumption of electricity.
One of the household appliances that consumes the most energy is the air conditioning. Not only because we have it on for a large part of the day, but because its operation involves a strong consumption of electricity.
When the heat is almost impossible to bear, the first thing we do is to find a cool place to take refuge in our house. However, on many occasions, our home can become a real oven and the use of air conditioning is a necessary evil that, if used unconsciously, can become a luxury.
When the temperature rises, the first thing we do is turn on the air conditioning. And although this action doesn’t have anything reprehensible, in many occasions we aren’t conscious of the bad practices that we have when we use our air conditioners at home or in the office.
During the summer, the kilowatt-hour rate is usually cheaper in locations with high temperatures, such as Yucatan, Campeche or Quintana Roo. But despite the low cost of electric power during this season, the consumption of energy increases due to the use of appliances that help us keep food fresh and the inadequate use of air conditioning.
The High Consumption Domestic Rate (DAC by its spanish acronym) is applied when the demand for electricity is greater than what the Federal Electricity Commission subsidizes, and this varies depending on the region of the country. For example, the demand allowed in Puebla de los Ángeles will be lower than that allowed in Mérida, since the climatic conditions of the second city are more extreme than those of the center of the country.
There are occasions in which the installation of a solar energy system connected to the CFE is not a sufficient measure that allows you to break once and for all with the payment of electric power to CFE and people frequently ask us: Is it possible to carry out an installation of solar panels and disconnect from CFE forever?
Now that you are interested in quoting a solar panel system you have surely wondered why companies request your electricity bill to make a quote. The answer to this is simple, your electricity bill is the document in which your solar company can know all the details about your energy consumption, and with this:
One of the big questions that appear when installing a solar energy system is to know if our home is a candidate for this type of equipment, why? Mainly because there are many theories around the subject, many of them originated in other latitudes where there are problems that don't exist in Mexico.
When you install solar energy panels in your house or business, the consumption rate of electricity drops to the minimum, but you don’t ever stop being connected to the official electrical web of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE by its Spanish acronym).